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Age Male
Weak Normal Strong
10-11 <12.6 12.6-22.4 >22.4
12-13 <19.4 19.4-31.2 >31.2
14-15 <28.5 28.5-44.3 >44.3
16-17 <32.6 32.6-52.4 >52.4
18-19 <35.7 35.7-55.5 >55.5
20-24 <36.8 36.8-56.6 >56.6
25-29 <37.7 37.7-57.5 >57.5
30-34 <36.0 36.0-55.8 >55.8
35-39 <35.8 35.8-55.6 >55.6
40-44 <35.5 35.5-55.3 >55.3
45-49 <34.7 34.7-54.5 >54.5
50-54 <32.9 32.9-50.7 >50.7
55-59 <30.7 30.7-48.5 >48.5
60-64 <30.2 30.2-48.0 >48.0
65-69 <28.2 28.2-44.0 >44.0
70-99 <21.3 21.3-35.1 >35.1
Age Female
Weak Normal Strong
10-11 <11.8 11.8-21.6 >21.6
12-13 <14.6 14.6-24.4 >24.4
14-15 <15.5 15.5-27.3 >27.3
16-17 <17.2 17.2-29.0 >29.0
18-19 <19.2 19.2-31.0 >31.0
20-24 <21.5 21.5.8-35.3 >35.3
25-29 <25.6 25.6-41.4 >41.4
30-34 <21.5 21.5-35.3 >35.3
35-39 <20.3 20.3-34.1 >34.1
40-44 <18.9 18.9-32.7 >32.7
45-49 <18.6 18.6-32.4 >32.4
50-54 <18.1 18.1-31.9 >31.9
55-59 <17.7 17.7-31.5 >31.5
60-64 <17.2 17.2-31.0 >31.0
65-69 <15.4 15.4-27.2 >27.2
70-99 <14.7 14.7-24.5 >24.5
Weak: You have low strength
Normal/Strong: You have Good or better muscle strength per your age Low values can be predictor of fractures, disability, diabetes or CVD
Adapted from:Electronic hand dynamometer instruction manual (Last updated: May, 2022).